Branching Into Music: A Love Story

For years now, I’ve written articles. It always seemed cheaper than therapy.
The best part of the process has been that it’s opened some doors. Whether writing for Forbes or freelancing for the likes of Variety, The New York Times, re-purposed work on ESPN, or elsewhere, being a journalist has been a stock in trade.
The work isn’t really “work”; I love covering sports as it intersects with business. At a time when it’s difficult to earn a living at it, I’ve been able to remain employed.
If there is a downside, it’s that I cover a fairly narrow set of topics. It’s has been some form of sports business: sports as it intersects television. Sports as it intersects economics. Sports as it intersects with other sports. You get the picture. But, long before having an interest in sports, I had an interest in something else that has been an active part of my life since, well… since I can remember.
Music, specifically of the electric variety, has been something I’ve listen to or played for over 20 years. As I’ve grown older, my tastes have actually grown heavier. Also, my collection of gear and interest in the tools to make rock music has continued to grow.
So, it made sense that one day I’d want to take my love of music and gear and marry it with writing. Starting at square one, I’ll begin here on Medium and grow it from there. This is a start. Let’s see where the music takes it.
You can follow me on Twitter at BizballMaury. See written work on Forbes.